
Peer Review of Group F’s Interactive Resource

Peer review completed by Group B (Madison, Kiana, Stephanie, and Yousuf)
Peer review of interactive learning resource on insomnia created by Group F

For our peer review, we reviewed the interactive learning resource created by Group F. A link to their interactive resource on insomnia can be found here. We decided to organize our peer review by starting with general comments about the interactive learning resource and then breaking down our feedback for each of the website pages.

General Comments

  • We loved your site’s look/feel and the navigation was very clear, simple, and effective.
  • We loved the imagery that you chose for the home page.
  • We loved the topic and the concept and feel it’s an important topic to discuss.

Learning Design & Theory Page

  • Concerning behaviouralism, what are your desired outcomes for a learner?           
  • How does your learning theory rationale align with your topic of insomnia?

Inclusive Design Page

  • We suggest directly linking your inclusive design write-up with your topic of insomnia, an example of this would be: “This is inclusive design and this is how we’ve adapted this course to be inclusive.”
  • What are some barriers to learners? How have you addressed some of those potential barriers?

Learning Activities Page

  • We were unable to assess these at the time of writing as they are still in progress. 
  • Try to connect to these throughout the resource more if/when possible once complete

Learning Outcomes Page

  • Loved this page, we felt your essential questions made sense and your overall outcomes were great.
  • Maybe tie these to an assessment to make them more measurable.

Assessment Plan Page

  • We suggest changing the flow of this page to make it easier to follow. Specifically, it would be great if the tables you used to summarize the learning goals and assessments were slightly larger, perhaps use a larger font size (ex. 14) and bold the titles.
  • We also suggest displaying the grids vertically instead of on the same line so it is easier to read.
  • It would be great if you could add when an assessment is happening, with who, and how they will be submitted to your tables, so it’s clear for a prospective learner.

Technology Rational Page

  • Where are Quizlet and Youtube being integrated?
  • Why did you choose these types of resources?

Definition Page

  • We loved your reasoning and how you chose the topic.
  • We really enjoyed this page and how it introduced the topic clearly.

Overall, we really enjoyed exploring your interactive learning design resource and we look forward to seeing the final product!

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